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Price: $18.00

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Myrrh Oil

Botanical Name of Myrrh:  Commiphora myrrha

Synonyms:  Commiphora molmol and Balsamodendron myrrha

About Myrrh: Myrrh basically is a thorny plant which normally grows in rocky soil. Myrrh which is obtained from bark of this tree is a kind of gum or resin which bleeds out on penetration. For commercial cultivation of Myrrh specific cuts would be made in the tree to obtain its resin which is considered to have therapeutic properties. The raw resin or gum is yellow in colour and would become hard after some time of its collection. The darkness in the colour of this resin would deepen at the resin matures. Myrrh is commonly used in perfumes, incense sticks and for its medicinal properties in aromatherapy procedures.

History of MyrrhThe name of this resin is derived from an Aramiac word ‘murr’ which means ‘bitter’. Gradually meaning of this word was generalized to mean ‘perfume’. The value of Myrrh can be established by the fact that during the ancient times it was priced equal to the weight of gold. During times of scarcity it would be priced even above gold. Special significance has been given to Myrrh in the Chinese traditional medicine. Its special effects in treating ailments related to heart, liver and spleen meridians were well established and hence was in great demand. Along with Chinese medicines Myrrh was also extensively used in traditional Indian medicine forms of Ayurveda and Unani medicines. 

Properties of Myrrh Oil: This yellow colour essential oil is obtained through steam distillation of resin collected from Myrrh trees. The average yield of Myrrh essential oil is around 3 to 5%. The major chemical constituents of this oil include: alpha pinene, eugenol, meta cresol, acetic acid, cadinene, limonene, cuminaldehyde, heerabolene, formic acid, sesquiterpenes, etc.

Health Benefits and Applications Myrrh Oil:

Myrrh Oil is known to have number of benefits, some of the important ones include:

Anti Microbial and Anti Viral: These two properties of Myrrh essential oil make it very effective in treatment of related ailments such as: cough and cold, fever, food poisoning, mumps, measles, pox, wounds, etc. Greek soldiers wounded in war were known to be treated using Myrrh essential oil.

Astringent: Astringent properties of Myrrh essential is useful in treating  loose gums,  tooth aches, loose skin and muscles, hair fall, etc.

Expectorant: As an expectorant it is an effective treatment of cough and cold or any other ailment related to the respiratory tracts.

Anti fungal: Myrrh is also known to be very effective against any internal or external fungal infections.

Stimulant: As a stimulant Myrrh oil stimulated our thoughts, improves blood circulation in our body, digestion and secretion of juices, excretion, etc.

Other therapeutic properties of Myrrh Oil that make it useful are; carminative, Stomachic, Anti catarrhal, Diaphoretic, Vulnerary, Anti Septic, Immune booster, tonic, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic,  etc.

Contact Us for more details on Myrrh Oil and your commercial requirements for it.

Storage: Store in cool and dark place, Keep away from heat and spark

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